See how HindSite simplifies the entire process so you can save time, deliver a better customer experience and regain control of your business.
Estimating That Understand Your Headaches
Worrying about lost leads? What about that prospect waiting for a follow-up? Or maybe changing your prices before the season is taking up too much time? It happens, but not with FieldCentral. From updating your pricing for all your properties in one spot to effortlessly creating, sending, & tracking your bids, you'll have all the tools you need to eliminate your headaches.
Turn running your irrigation business from a nightmare to a dream
FieldCentral by Hindsite Software is the one cloud-based tool your irrigation business needs to eliminate unpredictability and increase productivity.

FieldCentral tracks, updates and provides reminders for your entire estimating process. At all times, you’ll have the visibility and tools to be confident nothing is falling through the cracks without having to dig around and wasting time.

Time & Material Tracking
Make sure you’re getting paid for every second & every part. With FieldCentrals centralized time & material tracking, you’ll be confident the data is consistent system-wide & you’re billing for the correct amount of labor & parts.

Time & Material Tracking
Make sure you’re getting paid for every second & every part. With FieldCentrals centralized time & material tracking, you’ll be confident the data is consistent system-wide & you’re billing for the correct amount of labor & parts.
Time is money. A customer ready to spend is ready to spend now. Stop losing work, & get estimates in front of your customers in just a few clicks.

From using other software you’ve probably come to expect that all estimate templates are generic but that’s because they weren’t built specifically for your industry & services. It's time you experienced templates that fit your business from a software that understands your business.
Whether it's bronze, silver, & gold packages or a variety of services & add-ons, give your customers options & win more deals with multi-bid estimates.

“Hands down my favorite feature with FieldCentral is being able to track my estimates. From sending the estimate in the software to being able to see when estimates have been opened, won, or lost it is so nice to be able to follow up and check the status in just a few clicks.”
Why we do, what we do
Since the early 2000s, we’ve been proud to provide business owners with the tools they need to succeed in the green industry and enjoy the life they’ve built. Because that’s who we were founded by, and who we were founded for.

Free Download: Sales & Estimating Guide
Download the guide to learn how aligning your sales pipeline with profitable estimates can create a steady stream of cash by targeting work with high-margins that’s worth your time.